What is Bowen

About Bowen

What is Bowen

A unique, non intrusive complementary State of the art therapy
“It is only a very few times in our lives that a rare opportunity presents itself and Bowtech, the original Bowen Technique becoming available to the world in the late 80’s is one of those times”.

– Oswald Rentsch Founder Bowtech

The Bowen Technique or Bowen work as it is now called in the USA, was developed by Tom Bowen from Geelong, Australia, who successfully treated 13,000 patients a year.

What is Bowen

Thomas Ambrose Bowen (1916-1982)(With permission from Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia)
Founders Oswald and Elaine Renstch

History of Bowen

Bowtech – The Original Bowen Technique

The Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia has over 115 accredited Instructors. To date, courses have been held in over 30 countries.

The phenomenal growth and popularity of the Bowen Technique is reflected by the fact that The Bowen Therapy Academy of Australia has over 60,000 practitioners and 130 instructors worldwide, who have undertaken Bowtech training. BTAA has affiliated associations in more than 40 countries.

Thomas Ambrose Bowen (1916-1982) began developing this technique in the 1950’s in Geelong, Australia, to alleviate human suffering. He called it a ‘Gift from God’ and developed this technique with the help of his friend and secretary, Rene Horwood.

From left to right: Oswald Rentsch, Farida Irani and Elaine Rentsch

From left to right: Oswald Rentsch, Farida Irani and Elaine Rentsch
Senior Instructor Farida Irani:
Farida Irani is a Senior accredited Bowen Therapy (Bowtech, the original Bowen technique) Instructor responsible for establishing Bowtech in India and Taiwan. She also teaches in Australia. She is a qualified Ayurveda Practitioner (runs a nationally accredited diploma of Ayurveda and Ayurveda aromatherapy), clinical Aromatherapist and teacher, Aromatic Medicine Practitioner, Remedial Therapist, Reflexologist, and an international speaker and lecturer at various conferences worldwide. She has also organised workshops on understanding bowen from an ayurveda perspective worldwide.


What is Bowen Therapy?

How quickly does Bowen work?

How long is a Bowen session?

Is Bowen Therapy right for me?

Does one experience pain during or after a Bowen session?

Is Bowen Therapy like Chiropractic, Accupressure or Physiotherapy?

Is Bowen like massage?

Can one have massages alongside Bowen?

Can one have Bowen during a pregnancy?

How do I know a Bowen therapist is qualified?